Fraudulent Transfer- Leonard Holdings, Inc. v. Rohaley, 11th District Lake County, 2023-Ohio-4096- In this appeal, the Eleventh Appellate District affirmed the trial.
Vacating an Arbitration Award- The Bullet Point: Ohio’s Arbitration Act strongly favors arbitration. Because of this, Ohio’s Arbitration Act limits the jurisdiction of a court.
In this appeal, the Eighth Appellate District considered who is entitled to excess sale proceeds; another mortgagee (who never appeared or answered in the case) or the borrower.
Litigation counsel Michael L. Waldman and associate Ralph C. Mayrell co-authored a Bloomberg Law article titled "DOJ Boast on Record FCA Recoveries Is Not As It Seems" on March 16, 2022.
Ohio- Statute of Frauds- Kopsky v. MURrubber Technologies, Inc., 9th Dist. Summit Nos. 29867, 29984, 2022-Ohio-511- In this appeal, the Ninth Appellate.