majority my ninority country. it s more than democrats versus republican, it s legitimate like white supremacy versus everybody out here, and that s what the battleground is here, and we have a black police commissioner, and we had one before, and now she s a black woman, and we had the first black democratic mayor of philadelphia, and you have black people in the seats but the white power structure still exists. i think the future of philly is one that is full of conflict between the people and the state, i believe. i think that that is the reality. it s going to get way worst before it gets better. the week we were in philly was a weird one. we were months into the pandemic with no end in sight. not only were we in town filming
majority/minority, and when certain people talk about it you re already laughing about that, and yeah, once white people were 49% of the country, and everything is going to be great finally. they always left that out, for my people to be a minority, they need to assume all people of color are the same. as you were saying, your experience in that school proves it, we are pitted against each other to make sure we are not on the same team. yeah, and that s an inside/outside strategy, and inside pitting against each other, and outside they are pitting white people against the huge group, and it s like they think we are going to take power away, and i think why are you so afraid, that power is still there. if the structures of power are in place it s an ongoing battle against white supremacy.
that whole saying that people are never left unorganized, it s just who organizes them first to understand the country, and you can organize them where the country was founded on slavery and genocide, and then you can show columbus founded this country, and then you just put in 80 hours a week, and it s an ongoing battle with other communities, right? yeah. and it is a battle with attacks from all sides, because when the united states sees a rising community leader often there s an eveffort to neutrali that leader. i think that i have gotten the spotlight because i was arrested. yes.
country will have more black, indigenous, and people of color than just plain old white folks. what does that mean? to quote my young friends, i don t really know. every now and again a year comes up on the calendar that sparks the national imagination. 1976. 1984. 2000. it s an emergency we all hope doesn t happen. well, for many people, 2045 is that kind of number. that is the year, according to the u.s. census, that america