The federal government in Bern is attempting to determine who violated export management legal guidelines after Mowag-made Eagle armored automobiles had been
in the nineteen nineties during a visit to nasa, sheila jackson lee demanded to see the flag that astronauts had planted on mars when gently informed that no human being has ever been to mars because it s very far away. lee flew into a rage. she accused nasa of racism and pointed out her membership on the , quote, science committee in congress and so on . we could spend the entire hour on sheila jackson lee stories, and it s tempting. on capitol hill, she s known as the queen and not in a good way. but what s interesting is that nobody ever talks about the congress district that sheila jackson lee supposedly represents. it s mostly inner city houston, and it could use some help. lee s district has a poverty rate almost twice the national average for all the usual markers of civilizational decline, high crime, bad schools, low social cohesion, drugs. now, lee has, quote, served in congress for nearly 30 years.
si policy. even aftetting on ar they fif your sitting on a gold mine called coventry direct today at eight hundred four nine six ninety two hundred or visit coventry direct .com. welcome back. gina davis is in no hurryn no to forgive a raging bill murray hurre trust her what she condemns? our favorite ghostbuster actress geena davis, saysr she s never gotten over the wayt bill murray treateedd on the set of the nineteen nineties movie0 quick change. if you don t remember that film, neither does anyone else. it bombed so hard it made isis jealous on kara swisherand mu as podcast, davis said sherroo and murray were about to shoot a scene at a manhattanoing intersection and she wasn t sure if she was supposed bu come to set or not. whenst it, murray busted into hi coailentr wearing a clown costume. i wonder if ragest was coming ot of his eyeballs rage coming out