would like latter day know as ox some had space for twenty thousand if people were squeezed in bunkers could hold thirty thousand. but the overwhelming majority of germans had to manage without such protection. during the last four months of the war germany was bombed without interruption. during the day by me americans. at night by the british. in february nine hundred forty five as the allies made progress on both fronts only a few cities were spat. for now dresden was one of them.
the island of okinawa only five hundred fifty kilometers away from the japanese mainland. japanese diplomats signaled their willingness to open negotiations for an end to the hostilities their only condition the emperor would be allowed to keep his throne. the outcome of the war was in the hands of the new american president harry truman who became head of state with the death of franklin roosevelt at the same time scientists from the manhattan project were finishing work on a new bomb von imaginable power. on july sixteenth nine hundred forty five on the testing grounds in new mexico they
to destroy and kill. at the allies potsdam conference held around the same time president truman knew he had the ultimate weapon. the atomic bomb had strengthened truman s hand both with his former allies and with the japanese. he issued an ultimatum calling for the emperor to abdicate his throne and japan to capitulate. the japanese rejected those terms. won over six nine hundred forty five but eight hours sixteen minutes and two seconds a single b. twenty nine dropped an atomic bomb on hiroshima. the copilot robert lowe is sad my god what have we done. the explosion caused some eighty thousand deaths thousands more would die in the
then the new c x five is better than ever and makes some other s.u.v.s pale in comparison but the desired unity between driver and vehicle doesn t quite come off the infotainment and the head of display need improvement but it leases andriy the driving experience in the c x five is typical of most problem free and relaxing the rules on. our terms car with all wheel drive in the top equipment package sportsline costs about thirty thousand euros in germany and is definitely an eye catcher on german roads. today we re taking a unique early one nine hundred fifty s. car for a spin the v.w. beetle still who picked the v.w. beetle went into mass production in one nine hundred forty five selling millions
art. video we have no restrictions at this but it s kind of like when. there s a new exhibition twice a year and it doesn t cost anything to get it. and during our free of charge what better way to pass a where are they coming up we ve got plenty more tips on how to explore berlin while keeping warm and holding on to your you re. not far from. you ll find the topography of terror documentation center in winter most of its outside areas are closed for the indoor permanent exhibition is open it documents the crimes the nazis planned on this site and committed across europe. the headquarters of the stoppel and s. s. were here until nine hundred forty five so it was the nerve center of the nazi regime. it s important to.