mentality. back in the day the youth would join gangs to be part of something. these were people that were either depressed or didn t belong or feel they had a sense of belonging to an entity. and here is isis putting out these amazing website productions calling to them saying, hey, be part of this. be part of this greater cause. and also affecting their religious beliefs. the fbi director says they re in 49 of 50 states. so this is just the tip of the iceberg, right? absolutely. a lot more to come. if you listen to president obama the islamic state is not islamic. that s what he s saying. pretty asinine. agreed. new reports out of northern syria that isis has in fact kidnapped over 100 christians, mostly women and children. they re selling these women in to slavery. here are texas congressman ted poe and nina shay. i have been getting reports regularly from people on the ground syria, northern iraq that are telling me the same
looking for in a gop candidate. welcome to hannity. disturbing arrests made on u.s. soil related to isis. two men detained in new york city and one in florida for allegedly plotting to bomb coney island and attack president obama. earlier today nypd commissioner bill bratton he spoke about the severity of this plot. listen in. in a joint operation that arrests were made of three individuals for actions directed against the united states. the initial actions were to go to syria and attempt to join isil in syria. it was made quite plain based on statements that if they were not able to go that they would seek to acquire weapons here, handguns, machine gun, and seek to attack very specifically police officers. so this is real. this is the concern about the lone wolf inspired to act without ever going to the middle east or the concern of once they get to the mideast acquire fighting skills capabilities and then attempting to return to the country. all right. joining me now
his friend chad littlefield is found guilty. tonight, in a hannity exclusive hear from a man who served alongside kyle. and kimberly here with reaction. how did you grow up, giuliani? a privileged cracker. lewis farrakhan launches a violent attack on former new york city mayor rudy giuliani. ann coulter is here and charles krauthammer with what he s looking for in a gop candidate. welcome to hannity. disturbing arrests made on u.s. soil related to isis. two men detained in new york city and one in florida for allegedly plotting to bomb coney island and attack president obama. earlier today nypd commissioner bill bratton he spoke about the severity of this plot. listen in. in a joint operation that arrests were made of three individuals for actions directed against the united states. the initial actions were to go to syria and attempt to join isil in syria. it was made quite plain based on statements that if they were not able to go that they would seek to acquire we
took their son s life, these parents say they forgive his attacker. and the fight for the family, france becomes europe s latest battleground over gay marriage. wendy: welcome to christian world news. i m wendy griffith. george thomas is on assignment. in iran, high-profile cases of christian pastors being arrested, imprisoned, and stotortured have put the spotlight on the treament of christians in islamic country. now two iranian women are telling their story. john waggi explains. reporter: they were raised muslim in iran, converted in christianity, and studied theology in turkey together. amasadi says she had dreams and visions about jesus. i met jesus. he was standing against a large stone, which was covered with shining gold. reporter: but in 2009, ami zadi and her friend were arrested for sharing their christian faith. they re authors of a new book called captive in iran, and they told their story this week at a hudson institution panel in washington. god g
south sudan. hello everyone i am george thomas. attacks against the country by the islamic government of sudan amounts to declaration of war. president obama called on sudan to stop all military activity. he announced measures to prep vent genocide around the world. john waage explains. reporter: holocaust author ele vie zell. we must tell our children about a crime unique in human history. the one and only holocaust, six million innocent people, men, women, children, babies sent to their death just for being different, for being jewish. president said an individual commitment also extends to israel. when faced with a regime that threatens global security and denies holocaust, the united states will do everything in our power to prevent iran from getting a nuclear weapon. the president says the u.s. will target iran, and other regimes that targets their own people. i have signed an executive order that sanctions to monitor and track and target citizens for violenc