Why the big rush on the "stimulus" plan? President Barack Obama claims it’s because his plan would "create jobs for Americans" and place the "economy on a firmer foundation."
President Bush's health care agenda would increase public andprivate coverage for millions of Americans. The outlined healthpolicy agenda introduces key changes in the conventional financingand delivery of health care. Chief among the proposals are healthcare tax credits for lower-income individuals and families and newmarket-based insurance reforms to enable Americans to purchaseprivate health coverage.
Saving the American Dream is The Heritage Foundation’s plan to fix the debt, cut spending and, above all, restore prosperity. It balances the nation’s budget within a decade and keeps it balanced. It reduces the debt and cuts government in half. It eliminates government-mandated health care and fully funds our national defense. It squarely confronts Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, the three so-called entitlement programs, which together account for 43 percent of federal spending today.