Black Trans Women and Femmes Speak Out About Lack of Inclusion in HIV Cure Research
When it comes to HIV, Black transgender women are the most heavily impacted population in the United States, with a prevalence rate of 62% that means that almost two-thirds are living with HIV. Looking at those numbers made me wonder why. Why aren’t Black trans women being looked at and asked about their HIV testing experience? Why are Black trans women the last people to be paid attention to when it comes to access to health care and other social services?
As a Black trans femme nonbinary person, I had to take a look at what have been barriers and how much I have had to advocate for myself every step of the way when it comes to medical care, housing, social services, employment, and so many other concerns. In thinking about who decides who is worthy of care and attention, so much of that stems from systemic racism, racial inequities within the social services system, and the stigma within the Bla