The duo appeared on the most recent edition of Luv Hua, during which Priya made it clear that, even with Malav directing, she never requested additional screen time from TMKOC maker Asit Modi. The actress said that she never asked for extra screen time simply because she was "director ki biwi" since she felt that a person's personal and professional lives should be kept apart.
We saw last week for the first time Bigg Boss announced the captaincy task of this season and how the contestants went all out to give their best to become the captain of the house and Munawar became the first captain of the house. |
Shiv Thakare and Abdu Rozik participated in Bigg Boss 16 last year. They came out of the house as close friends and their friendship is going strong till today.
Throughout Bigg Boss history, many close bonds have deteriorated, turning friends into bitter rivals. Here are the top 6 most dramatic friendships that took a toxic turn on the show.