The Watcher returns to Disney+ with new episodes of the studio’s first ever animated series, inspired by their 1977 comic anthology, that tantalizes fans with alternate, hypothetical new versions of favorite stories, all observed and discussed in ‘Twilight Zone’ style; 9 episodes arrive, one each night for 9 nights, beginning December 22.
The fight for Eternia continues. Kevin Smith and Mattel’s Emmy nominated animated series returns, as He-Man battles a newly mechanized Skeletor and the Horde Empire; the series streams January 25, 2024.
The Annie Award-winning stopmo series starring culinary social media sensation Tiny Chef will return to Nickelodeon and Nick Jr. channels beginning with the ‘Fwendsgiving’ special on November 20 and ‘Tiny Chef's Marvelous Mish Mesh Special’ on December 4.
The upcoming show, which brings to life the growing years of one of the greatest kings in history, will be available on the Minno Kids streaming service and the Angel Studios streaming platform and app, with new episodes airing once a month.
The ‘Dragon Ball’ and ‘One Piece’ studio may soon also set up shop in Latin America and India to increase international production and take advantage of lucrative markets.