The 2nd installment of the ‘Tales’ series journeys into the Galactic Empire through the eyes of two warriors on divergent paths set during different eras; debuts May 4 - ‘Star Wars Day.’
The movie, based on the TV sequel series, comes to Blu-ray+ DVD and digital June 11 with original Japanese and English Dubs, ‘Digimon Liberator’ Promotion Pack, and special intro by director Tomohisa Taguchi; available for pre-order now.
The network dropped three unexpected episodes, each recreated in various styles of puppetry, of Michael Cusack and Zach Hadel’s animated comedy about a company tasked with bringing happiness to a bizarre yet colorful world.
The Kratt brothers return to PBS Kids with an all-new feature special that looks at our planet as a living, breathing entity, emphasizing the indispensable nature of both oceans and forests to its wellbeing, debuting April 1 on PBS Kids.