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mexico sunday at age on cnn welcome to the lead. i m jake tapper this hour. it s hard to forget the images of a cargo ship crashing into the baltimore bridge in march causing a devastating and deadly collapse. but while the cleanup and investigation have moved forward, those 21 crew members have been stuck on the ship for almost three months. today, there was a hearing about letting them return to their families, mostly in india and sri lanka. and we ll bring you those updates plus is the united states at risk of being pulled into yet another global conflict. the white house is issuing a stern warning after video emerges of a major clash in the south china sea and leading this our supreme suspense as the country he waits for blockbuster decisions from the highest court in the land. the justices issuing four rulings today. but we re still waiting on the three janiot highly consequential ones that we have talking about for weeks now, former president trump s claim that he has
mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? at walmart it s thursday, june 13, right now on cnn this morning, attorney general merrick garland held in contempt of congress. will america s top prosecutor be prosecuted president biden in europe, meeting with world leaders, trying to shore up support for ukraine plus they re not making it. we ve seen over 50 cars this in the middle of the light, in the middle life-threatening flooding in roads submerged over a foot of rain already falling in florida. in the threat, not over yet all right. 5:00 a.m. here in washington alive. look capitol hill on this thursday morning. morning, everyone on kasie hunt, it s wonderful to have you with us tension between the doj and house republicans spilling over on capitol hill resolution recommending that the house of representatives fine, united states attorney general merrick garland, in contempt of congress on this vote. the yeas are 200 216. the net s are 207. t
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