Well-renowned theatre troupe, Prachyanat will be bringing an interesting new play this Friday, adding to their existing repertoire. “Agunjatra”, the new play in question, will be staged this Friday, December 23, around 7 pm at the Nilima Ibrahim auditorium of Bangladesh Mohila Samity. The play will mark Prachyanat’s 41st theatre production. “Agunjatra” highlights the story of
Maniruddin Chowdhury and Ratan Bhowmick were close friends. During the turbulence of 1970, Ratan moved to India with his family. Maniruddin, meanwhile, fought in the Liberation war of Bangladesh. Ratan’s family lived in Uttarpara of West Bengal. After many years, Maniruddin went to Uttarpara, sat on the verandah of Ratan’s house, and wanted to see his “mashima” (aunt). Ratan’s
Bangladesh is celebrating 50 years of Independence but the occasion also marks a half century of violation of large numbers of Bengali women. The Telegraph revisits the biranganas and what they have had to endure