3. Public Comment on items not on the agenda
4. Recognition
a. Grechen Kuhn and Meghan Fitzpatrick, Maine School Nurses of the Year, awarded to all school nurses in 2020-2021
5. Notification of Resignations
6. Minutes
7. Nominations (Note: Executive Sessions Possible for Nominations)
a. Administrator Nomination:
b. Nominations:
c. Teacher Nominations
Channa Schroff, CRES Special Education Teacher, B0, $42,341 (2020-21)
Heather Butler, CRMS Grade 5 Teacher, M22, $79,162 (2020-21)
Danielle McMenimen, CRES Grade 3 Teacher, B2, $45,184 (2020-21)
d. Stipend Nominations
Certification Member - CRMS Cara Wincklhofer 20 15% TBD
CRES Garden Coordinator Megan Sady 6 0% TBD
CRMS Dept Head Language Arts Hilary Flagg 12 0% TBD
CRMS Dept Head Science John Dietter 10 10% TBD
CRMS Track and Field Coach Jim Morse 28 20% $2,616.77
CRMS Track and Field Coach Ian McKenzie 18 0% $1,401.84
8. Approval of the 2021-22 Camden Rockport Schools Budget in the amount of $17,269,139.02
9. Vote to call a district budget referendum, call a public hearing, approve the referendum warrants, and approve the Notice of Public Hearing.
10. School Board Chair’s Report – Patrick McCafferty
11. Superintendent’s Report – Maria Libby
12. Administrative Reports
b. Jaime Stone, CRMS Principal
c. Chris Walker-Spencer, CRES Principal
d. Valerie Mattes, Director of Student Special Services
13. Standing Committee Reports
b. Joint Negotiations – Met March 25 and April 8.
c. Finance – Met March 17, minutes attached. Meets prior to the Board Meeting April 14.