Florida International University
From left to right: Nikolaos Tsoukias (principal investigator of the Vascular Physiology and Biotransport Lab), Baarbod Ashenagar, Sana Nasim, Allison Martinez, Arash Moshkforoush and Lina Bernier
December 11, 2020 at 10:30am
At 7 years old, Allison Martinez pinched the legs of her grandmother, who was confined to a wheelchair, to see if she could get a reaction. Martinez’s grandmother had suffered a spinal cord injury in a car accident.
At an internet café in Honduras, “I [had] read about the loss of an individual’s leg sensation, so I decided to. pinch her leg to see if she could feel it,” Martinez says. “Looking back, that moment defined me, and I knew that I wanted to create something that would change peoples’ lives.”