Nikko AM Japan Value fund s Aoyagi eyes Nikkei s growth transition
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Hope for ESG to help market turn around
Shigeru Aoyagi of Nikko Asset Management
The Japanese market is poised to benefit from a reversion to value and the shift to green industries, according to manager of the Nikko AM Japan Value fund Shigeru Aoyagi, who argued the mature, cyclical Nikkei is in a transition period to a growth market.
Nevertheless, Australian equities manager Malcolm Whitten from Tyndall Asset Management and Marcus Bogdan from Blackmore Capital were optimistic on the business.
“We think CSL is fair value, it was a safe haven in COVID-19 and a potential vaccine supplier. But on the re-opening, it underperformed, and that underperformance created opportunities to re-enter the stock,” said Whitten, who managed the Nikko AM Australian Shares Income fund.
“While it was in lockdown, people were scared to go out and donate blood so the lack of blood availability constrained supply. But now the fading effects of the welfare payments in the US should mean supply increases; when there is high unemployment then blood donations increase.