DALLAS (AP) Daisy Donjuan’s family never saw the value in college. After graduating from high school, she did what was expected of her dropped education, worked and pitched in at home. When she enrolled in Dallas College after a five-year break in school, she had to navigate a dizzying array of options and […]
Success coaches, a more hands-on approach to advising, are Dallas College’s latest effort to demystify the process of obtaining a degree and help its students.
Low national scores have spurred discussion of how K-12 schools can improve student performance. Experts think institutions of higher education can help.
The student writing in to Central Piedmont Community College was frantic. Her parents, she told college administrators, had lost their jobs because of Covid-19, and the family was down to crackers and a bottle of water. She didn’t see how she could continue her studies when they couldn’t even count…