rejoined some 1400 people who were also detained during last week s demonstrations which saw some 20000 people protest the exclusion of dozens of opposition candidates from local elections. the european union criticized the excessive force used by police during the protests saying it undermined the right to freedom of assembly. last weekend s mobilisation was just the latest in a wave of popular dissent to grip the russian capital this year and not likely to be the last organizers have already called for fresh demonstrations next weekend and russian authorities have already started to detain key opposition figures. well i m joined tonight by nikita. a member of the anti corruption foundation that s an ingenue that was founded by a leg see in the heat is going to have you on the program let me start by asking you have you or your going to zation have you had any contact with mr noble.
authorities are using for for the last year and a half like their arrest key members of our team from time to time likely see so spends i got one for you 0 here in this prison sounds you to the show heiress so heads yeah it disturbs our work the authorities are afraid about artists. they are trying to prevent. nikita polygenic off within anti-corruption foundation that s an engineer that was founded by alexina holding and he we appreciate your time tonight thank you. and you know. u.s. president donald trump has gone on another twitter tirade attacking u.s. congressman elijah cummings and the city that cummings represents baltimore trump
well at that moment he feels that this is what he can come. i was given the strong steroids against elegy him so i don t have the face which is i don t know that that was correct which is bigger than usual so and like i more or less fine but. again as he is just that and as. many many suspicious poisoning haven t we those who criticize a criminal or you be sure. it s not always an immense if you send back self maybe he s going to be contacting this substance so what whatever it is was what are you worried about and nikita i mean if it was poisoning then the poisoning would have occurred in prison where he is and he s been sent back to that