As walgreens a corporate representative tells me that theyre trying to get more vaccines in. And that theres a a problem with the distributor. With the flu virus in full bloom. More people who havent gotten a shot. Are trying to get one now. in the south bay, San Jose Regional Medical Center set up a tent outside their emergency room to handle the overflow of patients whove come there for a shot. A hospital spokesperson says having the tent outside also helps to keep those who might be sick away from those who are not. With the sting of bay area flu related deaths. Some people are second guessing their decision not to get the flu shot. Here on kron4. Com. We have really east way to find a location near you thats offering the flu shot. On our website. Youll see a link here to the flu. Click on that. Then youll see an area where you can enter your zip vaccine applications code. 1409 is work rhondas. Where chronic is. In line closest to you that offer the flu shot will appear. The flu thi