MTV Roadies, a popular Indian reality show since the early 2000s, has lost its sheen in recent years. Former judge Raghu Ram, who was on the show for 10 seasons, revealed that it took a toll on his personal life and led to his divorce. He also stated that the show is no longer the […]
Since the arrest of its national convenor Arvind Kejriwal on March 21, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has held several protests in Delhi as well as in other parts of the country. Most of its 10 Rajya Sabha members, however, have been conspicuous by their absence at these protests – with Sanjay Singh, Sandeep Pathak […]
Praggnanandhaa R (pictured) and Vidit Gujrathi scored full points in round 6 of the Candidates Tournament. Pragg inflicted a second consecutive defeat on Nijat Abasov, while Vidit got the better of an overly daring Alireza Firouzja. The remaining two games ended drawn, which leaves Gukesh D and Ian Nepomniachtchi still tied for first place in the standings. Pragg now stands a half point back, with as many points as Fabiano Caruana. | Photo: FIDE / Michal Walusza
The second round of the 2024 FIDE Candidates Tournament saw four decisive results in the Open section. Today was the Women's Candidates Tournament's turn to deliver four victors. Without further ado: