Nora Fatehi earlier performed at the FIFA fan festival on December 1 in Doha. She grooved to several hit Bollywood tracks on the stage such as Saki Saki and Manike , which were loved by all the fans.
Nora Fatehi performed at the FIFA World Cup final, which was held in Qatar on December 18. The actress was showered with love for her sizzling performance.
Ace choreographer Rajit Dev has shared his experience of working with dancer-actress Nora Fatehi for the fourth FIFA World Cup anthem, 'Light The Sky'. |
Nora Fatehi opens up about her feelings on the FIFA World Cup 2022 anthem song "Light The Sky". The actor had performed the song on last month's World Cup Fan Festival. Recently on a video posted on the Instagram account revealed her experience on the Fan Festival stage.
In the video, we can see Nora performing on stage and entertaining the audience with her groovy moves. Towards the end, a background dancer can be seen behaving strangely with Nora. Take a look. |