vaccine, does it help you in terms of your health. you also don t have to wear a mask and a lot of people don t like to wear masks. and i i spoke with living in arkansas for many years. there is the question about a lot of these red states that have discouraged people from mask wearing and vaccines. but there s, also, another notion that s going on. i talked with mayor frank scott in little rock, today. and he says we need to get the message out not just to republican voters but to rural people in the rural areas of this country who are hesitant for vaccines, just from the standpoint of they don t like government to tell them what to do. and and black-americans are concerned about history with vaccine. so we need to just educate people. republican and democrat. about the safety of getting a vaccine. and, chris, i have to ask you, before i let you go. um, every night on fox, your former employer, there are hosts. tucker carlson, first among them. night after night, spreading mis
example there waiting to see hope hicks. i want to bring back liz andger jeremy. liz, let s start with tray gowdy because mike brought hip up. here s what he said over night on fox. if she was part of the campaign then we outstanding to be able to ask her about adam shift allegations of collusion. you ll be asking about the trump tower meeting in june of 2016 and the response othat. the thoughts always will be about mueller ears jurisdiction but we re entitled to ask about that. i go to go to mike, mike, talk about timing after five seconds i said good-bye to you you got a text message. what s up? we got a few folks spread all over the place. word she has rived. she arrived through the congressional center. we don t have a picture of that
had to los angeles to face the dodgers. game one is tuesday night on fox and this should be interesting. abby: i wish i had 18 in it not as fun. jason: you have to create one for the world series. flip a coin, whatever. pete: houston. i m going with houston. jason: on california. i was a dodger fan as a kid. abby: houston. i have a lot of family in houston. pete: did you know president trump borrowed his campaign slogan from ronald reagan? he can soon borrow another famous phrase because of what the president is doing for your wallet. abby: it was one of the democrats favorite slogan went they: we go high. with this kind of inspiration, i will go and take trump out tonight. abby: take him out? did her, cross the line?
won t throw they re going to talk about policy, which i would prefer. i would prefer discussing the issues, illegal immigration, veterans being treated so badly or so many other things. the military. we have to build up our military. and so many other things. i would rather discuss that. i don t know what s coming. some of them may be they re pretty low in the polls. by hitting trump maybe they figure it will bring them up. i have absolutely no idea. i ve never debate d before. that s all these guys do. they debate. they don t do anything but they debate. every night they go on a debate with somebody. i haven t done that. i will do that and look forward to it actually. we ll be watching thursday night on fox. donald trump joining us on monday like the old days. thank you very much. thank you very much. coming up, more on the manhunt for a cop killer who gunned down a hero officer and former marine. 911 calls just release this had morning in a live report next.
2010 was the amount of uprisings in primaries that defeated candidates who were selected by the republican establishment as being the go-to figures. senator bennet in utah was overthrown in a statewide convention in favor of mike lee, who now serves as senator for that state and famously in delaware, mike cassel, a moderate republican who everyone thought would coast to victory was upset in the primary by christine o donnell. the question or is that same dynamic in play two years later? if the republican base trusts newt gingrich or mitt romney to continue to lead the party. we saw this in the debate thursday night on fox. here is bachmann, i think, very effectively pressing the case against newt gingrich. essentially making the case that like tea party insurgents made against senator bennet and senator cassel, he s imbedded in the corrupt culture of