laura ingram and night gingrich saying the democrats were he in a witch hunt and a lynch mob. so these people will find a way to twist this every which way. this can t be done for political damage. i ll still pained to say it was the right thing to do but i think it was. now people in alabama have a moment of reckoning and i hope some women watch al franken and say this is painful for this man. i don t agree with his politics. this is what a man does when he is in the way of his party and when he s caused pain to women. and they do the right thing when they get into the voting booth next week. i thank you both for an important discussion. after the break, we have a very different break. has the new weapon that might be available to mueller if donald trump uses his weapon of the
voters forget worry about headlines. sglooch will the north s new leader honor that agreement? i ll ask bill richardson. he as here. i m wolf blitzer you re in the situation room. the battle lines are drawn in the deep south. upcoming primaries in alabama and mississippi next tuesday may be the last chance for mitt romney s rivals to halt his momentum. rick santorum would love to go one on one with him, but night gingrich may have a different story. joe johns is watching all of this for us. reporter: wolf, rick santorum just finishing up an event, and he s expected to head to mobile, alabama later tonight. this is a situation where he has already proven he can win in the south by winning tennessee. the fact of the matter is newt gingrich is such a strong presence here. reporter: in this speech santorum is suggesting there s a third man in the race besides mitt romney, but doesn t go much further than that. if you go out and deliver a conservative victory for us on t
five days after the coast of concordia ran aground, search teams have repeatedly had to pull back as the wreckage moved and shifted. but the captain is now out of jail and is facing an array of charges of manslaughter and abandoning ship. the first congressional vote of 2012 is worth $1.2 trillion but doesn t amount to anything. as part of last summer s ex cruise ating debt ceiling drama, the house gets to impose another which the senate will ignore. and as per the earlier agreement, the deal also called for more than two trillion in spending cuts over a decade. we could be hearing from the white house about their decision in the keystone pipeline despite pressure by the republicans according to a democratic source. the obama administration is expected to reject fast tracking the controversial pipeline project. it would run from northern alberta in canada to texas gulf coast. some say the time line would create thousands of jobs but the obama administration is refusing t
welcome back. in decision 2012 coverage, our nbc wall street journal poll shows night gingrich is solidifying his position as the front-runner. he is now favored by 40% of likely primary voters. 27% surge from just a month ago. romney has dropped. you see it there. 23%. our poll also shows gingrich would not beat president obama in a head to head match-up while romney would be a statistical tie. joining me now, columnist for the hill. good to see you again. we know about the newt gingrich surge. we ve got that. i think it is incredible when you see this head to head match-up. gingrich does not fare well when it goes against barack obama. do the republican voters want a fighter or just someone who can go on and win this thing for them? right now i think they want a fighter. time will tell because we re expecting a long slog in the nominating process whether or not they change their minds and whether or not mitt romney can
16 and under. this is why we need more women in leadership. those stories and more in a packed hour ahead. let s get you up to speed with the news you need. deadly violence today at the university already infamous as the scene of mass murder. virginia tech, 33 mats kerr massacred in 2007. today shots rang out again, a frightened campus immediately lockdown. a gunman approached a campus police officer in his vehicle area shot the officer dead. the gunman was seen running towards a parking lot where a second body was found a short time later. was it the gunman or someone else? still unknown tonight. here s what they said at the news conference a short time ago. you consider this case other than figuring out the details is basically closed. i wouldn t say closed, no. harm to the public i would say when the university lifted the alert they consulted with several people and they felt like it was safe to have the students and faculty go about the rest of their day.