The prophet, who goes by the name @Prophetmetu on social media site X, said that two different times the Lord put him in a trance and showed him signals that predicted these future happenings.
The victim told the court that she heard her cousin listening to the bishops Feyi Daniels sermon on the phone while they were at her sister’s shop in Osogbo on January 2, 2019.
“There should be no further publication (s) on social media, electronic or print media, about any severance of my relationship with the Living Faith Church, or my family, without my express authorization, as it may be considered a breach to my privacy. Thank you so much for understanding.”
He said “the kidnappers had agreed to collect ransom at the Abule Ori bush on Friday night, the very day the his brother was killed but the lady who took the money to the place around 9 pm had to returned with the money because there was no commercial motorcycle to transport her into the bush.