As people in Nigeria marked the country s 63rd independence day this weekend, members of the Nigerian diaspora gathered at Waverley Elementary School on Saturday to celebrate the holiday Frederick style.
The Association of Nigerians in Frederick will host its annual Nigerian Festival at Waverley Elementary school on Sept. 30 to celebrate Nigeria’s Independence Day. Attendees from all cultural backgrounds are
The event is put on by the Association of Nigerians in Frederick.
Frederick, Md. (BW)- The 14th annual Nigerian Festival is taking place at Waverley Elementary School on Saturday, Sept 30 from 4 to 8 p.m.
The festival will showcase many aspects of Nigerian culture including music, dance, clothing
The street is where stories live. The eyes and ears of a wayfarer are all that is needed to take a seat in the house of stories. This is not once upon a time but many times upon the road where nearly every face invites a story.