Since opening one month ago, the Nifty Thrifty thrift store with the Graham Area Crisis Center has been making strides with business and donations made to the store.
Graham Area Crisis Center is an umbrella organization which contains the women and children’s shelter, food pantry and Nifty Thrifty on 601 Indiana St. in Graham. The organization provides services, such as providing food, clothes and monetary assistance for those in the community who have a need.
A grand opening for the Nifty Thrifty with sales and specials at the store will be held Monday, April 19 at the location on 601 Indiana St. The first day the store was open it had an influx of shoppers and since then the store’s progress has exceeded expectations.
Graham Area Crisis Center will be opening their new thrift shop, the Nifty Thrifty, in two weeks for the public and for clients who utilize the center’s services. The store will utilize the same location as the clothes closet and food pantry on Indiana St. in Graham.
The Graham Area Crisis Center is a nonprofit organization which contains the area women’s shelter the Graham Community Shelter, Graham Community Food Pantry and Clothes Closet on 601 Indiana St. in Graham. The organization provides services, such as providing food, clothes and monetary assistance for those in the community who have a need. The mission of the organization is “to provide basic needs, both physical and emotional,” for those who require their services.
It s the Pitts, Los Osos, Calif.
It was a harbinger of things to come that my wife and I started our beef herd in 1974 which was one of the worst years in the modern history of the cow business. Thanks to two seven year drouths, a year where we had a 74% breed up thanks to a neighbor’s Trichomoniases education program (he taught us all about Trich), and another year in which we decided to feed our calves and sell them to a packer, allowing us to treble our losses, I think all together we’ve had exactly one good year in the cow/calf business. And when I say it was a “good year” I mean that we maybe had a 5% return on our investment and got paid about $1.25 per hour for our hard labor.