And they knew what was under scrutiny and they knew that mueller was not going to exonerate trump for a long time. I have two gentlemen on deck. Pete williams wants to get in on this conversation. Pete . Two things to bear in mind. One, we now have the report. We have barrs letter, we have the report. We can reach our own conclusions about whether barr accurately characterized it. And the second thing that i would point out is that he is going to say that he only redacted 8 of this report. So, the public has seen most of it and most of those redactions are in part one, if i may say, the less controversial part about collusion or coordination. Pete, its tougher for him to account for the no collusion portion of his News Conference. Yeah. And, you know, in his letter he doesnt actually use the phrase collusion. He talks about coordination or conspiracy which is sort of the language that the Mueller Report uses. Collusion is the term that he used in the News Conference before the report c