Troop 86710 in Dickinson builds a free library and kindness rock garden at Friendship Park. They're spreading joy, fostering friendships, and inspiring readers in their community.
carried by unanimous roll call vote.
Rich Schloesser appeared, he stat-
ed the document drafted by Attorney
Glines was a little too much, he
wants the case number for district
court to be added to the document.
Walker motioned to add an amend-
ment to include the case number to
part 4, Skees second, motion carried
by unanimous roll call vote. City of
Burlington received a recommenda-
officer applicant, Cannon moved to
hire Cullen Hall, 1 month early, not
having been through the academy
and having no experience as
Burlington’s 3rd police officer to be-
gin 3/2/21, Skees second, motion
carried by unanimous roll call vote.