Making conclusions based on physical evidence and so forth and we have a good number of officers who have a interest in that and they have supplemented our investigative capacity of the investigators who are full time in Traffic Enforcement. Third one was the creation of the traffic collision unit and merging the hit and run unit and the major accident investigation team. That leads me to almost the last one. The last bulletin in terms of vehicle collisions really makes a point that the use of the term vehicle collisions is most appropriate to identify the unintended coming together of bodies on our roadway as opposed to the term accident. We want to create a mind set within the department as well as with the public that these occurrences arent acts of god. They are when theres an element of negligence on the part of one party or the other and so we cant continue to look at them as something beyond our control. Theyre completely within our control if we slow down. If we Pay Attention,
Problems to solve. We need to investigate the collisions and not just report them but investigate them. Officers should be trained on an ongoing basis. The lessons you learn you keep. It takes 60 days to form a habit, not what they tell you in school. And its important to enforce the traffic laws that have the biggest impact adversely on the most vulnerable road users. Thats key as well. And if were doing that enforcement and transparency in the monitoring of the activities and act smartly how were enforcing the law so i look forward to seeing all of you or some of you at the next meeting and i thank you for your service to the city. Thank you very much. I want to speak to the speakers and the way the focus on the five works and if there is a sixth intersection and not just limited to five but at each intersection there is a primary collision factor and the violation that contributed to the accident to make that particular intersection that much less safe than others so when the office
Will open it up to any questions you may have. Thank you very much commander and chief for doing this presentation. Obviously this has been an issue that is in the forefront of the press and what is happening here in the city, and i want to say i have been talking to the chief about this for a few weeks and hes been keeping me apprize of what is happening and hes on top of it and he said earlier a lot of this stuff people just need to disloa slow down and its good advice and there is clearly a correlation between the number of incidents and staffing and i am glad staffing is on the rise thanks to the Mayors Office but in the interim it is possible for us to put more officers on the street doing traffic enforcement, not necessarily motorcycle officers but officers and patrol cars. It never hurts to increase the enforcement and i talked to the chief. Tijts are expensive and i know the money goes to the general fund and not necessarily the department. Can we pull money from the general fu
Will do. And i say believe because we dont know what is proposed by the Mayors Office. Whether there is a charter measurement and what it will contain. And our questions is twofold, one that this is embodied in the budget process. And second with staff with a triggeri trigger mechanism that would allow vlf funds to be in operation when the budget goes south. We believe this is a productive way to proceed and in support of that, and we believe it needs to be vigorous and protect the budget this year, and the 2 and the needs of growth in the future. Not that it just be a weak measure that limits the damage of the service cuts, we hope that you support this provision. Bob allen. Good afternoon. Good afternoon members of the board. I probably should say ditto that to much of what Peter Strauss said but i want to commend the leadership of this agency for working with the coalition that has been in marked contrast. Unfortunately we werent part of the task force discussions. And since talking
Whole job. And i know you will. But this is a measurement and its an essential measurement of how you are doing the job for those that dont have choices. And its essential that you take care of the people that have choices too. Thank you very much. Next speaker. Steve wu. Good afternoon, directors, steve wu from chinatown. The policy you have before you represents a lot of hard work from your staff and Community Membe members. We are happy to support the approval of this policy framework. Your staff has done a good job of incorporating the stakeholders feedback and happy with the product before you. I think there are two really important aspects of the Equity Analysis that will help the board and this agency better plan their service. First it provides a concrete, quantitative approach to addressing disservice disparities and inequity. And for a lot of agencies equity is a buzz word but this provides a concrete approach to solve for equity. And we are happy with this. And second its a