SOAP LAKE First-year Soap Lake School District superintendent Aaron Chavez will not be returning for the 2024-25 school year, following action by the Soap Lake School Board Monday.
“My status is, I’ve been asked by the board to resign,” Chavez said Tuesday.
Chavez has been asked to stay through the end of the 2023-24 school year.
Board chair Curt Dotson and board members Signe Knudson, Donald Clark and Nicole Frazier did not return phone calls asking for more information on the decision.
The pure evil that exists in the U.S. medical system was exposed to the whole world during the COVID scam, where novel new products were unleashed onto the public through "emergency orders" that ended up killing and maiming MILLIONS. But even before COVID, I have been warning the public about just how evil this medical system is for over 2 decades now, as I have called upon all true disciples of Jesus to leave this Satanic system that is the #1 cause of death in the U.S. when you add together hospital errors and death by prescription drugs and vaccines together. And yet, the pharmaceutical cult is so strong, that even after the COVID massacre, most Americans still choose to visit a hospital or doctor's clinic when they are sick, or when their child is sick. But there is a whole sub-class of the American public who have learned the hard way by experience just how evil the medical system is, and they are families who have suffered from medical doctors who have determined t
The 33-year-old woman allegedly possessed child pornography on a digital cloud account as well as a video of her performing a sex act with her dog. Stephanie Weir is behind bars on a $200,000 bond as she faces a slew of criminal charges.
Teneo CEO and co-founder Paul Keary registered Wednesday as a foreign agent working for the Saudi Public Investment Fund to help sell the deal with the PGA Tour.