SWEETWATER COUNTY Sweetwater County School District (SCSD) No. 1 was joined by SCSD No. 2 and a few local legislators Wednesday night for an informational virtual meeting regarding upcoming legislation targeted at K-12 education funding.
There are several bills in the upcoming legislative session that have been drafted to cut K-12 funding. One of these bills is House Bill 61, which aims to cut the School Foundation Program Account by $100 million starting Fiscal Year 2022, and each year thereafter. That equates about a 7 percent decrease in funding, or $1,000 per student in Wyoming, according to Chris Dean, SCSD No. 2 Business Manager.
The two school boards expressed their concerns during the meeting, in which Wyoming House of Representative members Chad Banks, Clark Stith, and Scott Heiner were in attendance.
ROCK SPRINGS The Sweetwater County School District No. 1 Board of Trustees voted unanimously to approve the school calendars and start/end times for the next two school years during a special meeting tonight.
Based on community feedback gathered by a committee made up of district employees, parents, students, business owners and board members, the majority of voters opted for a 144-day school year. The committee also recommended a start/end time schedule as follows:
K-6 : 8:40 a.m. to 3:20 p.m.
7-8: 8:00 a.m. to 4:05 p.m.
9-12: 8:00 a.m. to 4:15 p.m.
However, the board requested that the committee develop an additional option which became the schedule the trustees eventually approved tonight.
Westridge Elementary: 1 staff member and 1 student
Head Start: 1 staff member and 1 student
Northpark Elementary: 1 staff member
Transportation: 1 staff member
Eastside Elementary: 1 staff member and 2 students
Desert View Elementary: 1 student
Rock Springs High School: 5 students
Stagecoach Elementary: 1 student
Pilot Butte Elementary: 3 students
Sage Elementary: 1 student
Currently SCSD No. 1 has 30 total staff members throughout the District who are out for various COVID related reasons from this past week. This includes staff getting quarantined, having to stay home due to daycares shutting down, currently being tested, or testing positive. This has continued to decrease over the past three weeks.
Sweetwater School District Number One Nurses continue to work closely with Public Health and are the designee in sending out quarantine papers and information to District staff and students who are considered close contacts. A close contact can occur due to a student or sta