Presented by Charge Ahead Coalition
THE BUZZ: Is personal wealth a political turnoff?
The moment that many people will remember from Republican gubernatorial candidate Caitlyn Jenner’s Wednesday debut was Jenner’s anecdote about a hangar-mate fleeing for Arizona. The point was intended to illustrate how a spiraling homelessness crisis has driven Californians away, but allies of Gov. Gavin Newsom exulted in what they saw as a foot-in-mouth moment. Not many voters can relate to conversations around personal airplanes, and based on the outpouring of social media mockery you can bet Jenner’s foes will use the episode to argue she’s disconnected from voters.
Pandemic to End in California on June 15, Governor Decides Dan Kaplan James Brasuell Devin Partida Justin B. Hollander
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Pandemic to End in California on June 15, Governor Decides
Gov. Gavin Newsom has foreseen the end of the pandemic that has killed over 61,000 Californians and has taken a page from his Republican counterpart in the second most populous state by setting a date when all restrictions will be lifted.
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Presented by Southern California Edison
THE BUZZ FIRST IN PLAYBOOK: The unmistakable message from top Democratic Party officials to caucus members who may be fantasizing about a possible 2022 challenge to Sen. Alex Padilla: Don’t go there.
Padilla, California’s first Latino senator, is launching his reelection campaign today, releasing alongside it a powerhouse endorsement list led by names like House Speaker
One Rail System to Ring the Bay Area? Supporters See Reasons for Optimism
A plan to integrate the various regional transit providers in the San Francisco Bay Area could be the key to winning back transit riders in the post-pandemic world. April 15, 2021, 12pm PDT | James Brasuell |
Momentum is building for an idea that would merge Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) with CalTrain and other regional rail providers to create a single regional rail system that would completely encircle the San Francisco Bay Area, reports Nico Savidge.
Seamless Bay Area released a report earlier this month that recommends bringing BART, Caltrain and other longer-distance operators such as San Francisco Bay Ferry and the North Bay s Golden Gate Transit together into a single system that stretches from Santa Rosa to Gilroy, according to Savidge.
JOIN AN IMPORTANT CONVERSATION, SUBSCRIBE TO THE RECAST NEWSLETTER: Power dynamics are shifting in Washington and across the country, and more people are demanding a seat at the table, insisting that all politics is personal and not all policy is equitable. The Recast is our twice-weekly newsletter that breaks down how race and identity are recasting politics, policy and power in America. Get fresh insights, scoops and dispatches on this crucial intersection from across the country and hear from important new voices that challenge business as usual. Don t miss out, SUBSCRIBE. Thank you to our sponsor, Intel.
THE 46TH “Dianne Feinstein signals she’s open to abandoning Senate filibuster for voting rights,” by the LA Times’ Jennifer Haberkorn: “The idea of eliminating the filibuster or making it harder to do has gained momentum among Senate Democrats concerned Republicans would use the tool to block all of President Biden’s agenda.”