and when they were playing that tape, which is about five minutes long in that courtroom, you could ve have heard a pin drop. the state argued that when nick wasn t lying, he had very suspicious lapses in memory about the day garrett was killed, a convenient forgetfulness, said prosecutors, highlighted by three simple words. i cannot recall. i cannot recall. i cannot recall. watch him as he answered i cannot recall without even the slightest reflection or effort to try to recall. if you start to take these things in sum, in toto, that you have a guy who is not telling the truth. you have a guy who does not have an ironclad alibi. and the proof is beyond compelling. it approaches mathematical certainty. every single fact in this case points to him. and at some point coincidences stop being coincidences and they start being proof of guilt. it was a circumstantial case, but prosecutors were confident. now the defense would get its turn, and they would aggressively make t