What other bits of information fall in this gap between metadata and content . What is the third category . What is the right word for it . It is just a third category, mr. Chee fits chaffetz. These of the telephone records we were talking about uncovered by the 215 program. , the actualtent conversations themselves, and any number of things that may follow between those and it is not just a third category but probably a continual. What else would be in the continuum . Sorry . What else . Its hard for me to hypothesize a about the many things that are out there and where they would fall in the continuum. Todayres a report out about license plates and that information being collected by thousands of camera readers stored about a specific location. Does that fall within this category . In which category . License plate readers. It comes down to the expectation of privacy which is what the court based its ruling on. Do you believe i have a reasonable expectation of privacy on my specific
I'm seated across from Nick Shen, a household name here in Singapore. Beneath his warm smile and strong handshake lies valuable lessons about his health, especially in the past year - after his unfortunate encounter with shingles, and as a complication of that, Bell's Palsy. For the uninitiated, Bell's Palsy is an episode of facial muscle weakness or paralysis, which.
TV News - Local actor and opera practitioner Nick Shen has reason to smile again, as he is gradually recovering from a double whammy of. Read more at www.tnp.sg