SHARON – The sprinkler system saved Nova Destinations’ The Block restaurant in downtown Sharon from a devastating fire Wednesday night, Deputy Fire Chief Nick Samson said.
and one of the detectives was on the other end of the line with news. they spoke, and then and he called his sister. it was about 12:30 at night, he said tam i need you to be awake. are you awake? i said yeah. what is going on? they arrested that and nick. and i said, that and nick who? and he said our cousin matt and nick samson. it was true, that livers had confessed to the murders of his aunt and uncle. but the gun to her face and blew it away. and he named an accomplice, 22-year-old nick sampson. a cousin of mats on another branch of the family tree. for i was sitting up in bed and i said, andy, should i be shaking? and he said that is normal shock. but matt livers had been with him at easter dinner just a few hours before. now, he said, he and nick had
behind me, you know? there was a real genuine itch in your back fear that somebody was going to come after you? come after me, come after my family, you know revenge. because around this county borough nebraska were a great many people, perhaps the majority who are still quite certain that nick was guilty. after all, his own cousin matt admitted full-out that they both killed those lovely people. i was upset, at a loss of why my own cousin would do this to me. why would he do it to you? if it wasn t true. to make himself look better. use me as a scapegoat. nick samson was now off the hook, but what about matt? coming up true, he had confessed to the murders, but was there more to the story? a tape surfaces of what he said to investigators. i ve been just making things
they are driven by common sense instilled by an early age by their murdered parents and so they still keep asking who, why? who did this? i would like to know the honest truth about everything. i hope someday we can all sit down, look at each other and say where these two involved, yes or no? definitely? was the blood planted, yes or no, definitely? i don t know if we will ever know those answers but i hope someday we will know. matt livers and nick samson, filed lawsuits against the counties in the state of nebraska claiming evidence was fabricated and withheld. without admitting wrongdoing the government settled the cases for two point $6 million. the citizen who went way beyond the call to find the critical evidence to save them, shrugs. as if it was no big deal. i heard home side, if it was
confusion. nick sampson struggled with the bitterness, the long jail bound nightmare had planted in his soul. while the children of wayne and sharmon stop tried to make sense of the release of a man who they had been told killed their parents. it s a difficult situation, none of us are attorneys, none of us are in law enforcement, you just sit there and take it all in, try to figure out okay, how does this work, why did this happen? i hadn t their cousin matt livers confessed, at least he was still in custody, as for those two teams in wisconsin, it wasn t as if the whole case was falling apart. at least, not yet. but if anyone did not feel confused in the october chill it was defense attorneys baer and soucie who were usher as the summer day that both nick samson and matt livers were innocent, despite what matt