Minnesota Links: Preview, The Podcast, FFFF Offense (chart), FFFF Defense (chart). Something's been missing from Michigan gamedays since the free programs ceased being economically viable: scientific gameday predictions that are not at all preordained by the strictures of a column in which one writer takes a positive tack and the other a negative one… something like Punt-Counterpunt. PUNT Bryan MacKenzie is out this week. Fortunately I know a guy. PUNT By Nick RouMelCounterpunt Emeritus A “Catch-22” has come to be understood as a paradoxical situation, one in which neither of two choices is either possible, or desirable. It comes from the eponymous 1961 novel by Joseph Heller, set in World War II. The protagonist, John Yossarian, pilots a B-25 bomber in Europe. After watching too many friends die, he wants to quit. He cannot wait to fly enough missions so that he can be reassigned. But every time he gets close to being finished, his megalomaniac commander keeps retroactively
Nebraska Links: Preview, The Podcast, FFFF Offense (chart), FFFF Defense (chart) Something's been missing from Michigan gamedays since the free programs ceased being economically viable: scientific gameday predictions that are not at all preordained by the strictures of a column in which one writer takes a positive tack and the other a negative one… something like Punt-Counterpunt. PUNT By Bryan MacKenzie@Bry Mac You’re probably aware that Tuesday was Election Day in the United States, which… WAIT COME BACK I’M NOT TALKING ABOUT POLITICS I PROMISE. …anyway, yes. Election Day. Of course, the term “Election Day” has come to mean “the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, and/or the several weeks leading up to it.” These days, most states provide multiple voting options, such as no-reason absentee voting and early voting, so you can cast your ballot during the “maybe Maryland is still good” portion of the year. My county in Tennessee makes early voti