caught up in this question of will the president have a mugshot or not? why is donald trump so special that we even entertain the question? because he is more famous than other people, we were talking about this yesterday. wesley snipes or nick multi franks in ahtra. all these wildly famous people in american history. he got arrested, it s a classic photograph. they have all had mug shots, why does being the president entitle someone to be exempt? that is along the lines of donald trump s m o, believing to be outside the normal chain of our rule of law. that s what i see when i see this mugshot. evan you ve been following this closely, i don t even know how you are up most days, the exhaustion that you must be feeling. all of the things that have happened, all the legal troubles, he is already back embed minister tonight. the average person who has to deal and contend with charges like this, he is at 91 total over four different indictments,