BERNARDS TWP. - Fifteen months after receiving a consultant s report that raised concerns about school culture and climate, the Board of Education is preparing to revisit the issue.
BERNARDS TWP. – A loss of federal pandemic-related aid and cost hikes in staff benefits, out-of-district tuition and transportation have combined to drive a school tax increase of nearly 4
BERNARDS TWP. – School taxes would increase by nearly 4 percent under a proposed $123.31 million 2024-25 school budget that would cut transportation costs by changing daily start times for
BERNARDS TWP. – A $5 million gap between revenues and expenses looms as school officials prepare to introduce the 2024-25 school budget, raising the likelihood of tax hikes and spending
BERNARDS TWP. - Rising costs to bus students to school is a growing concern, leading school officials to consider offering a cash incentive for parents to drive students who would