Open mike is your post. For announcements, general discussion, whatever you choose. The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy). Step up to the mike …
Though the Taliban has once again taken power in Afghanistan, they have come back at a rather inopportune time. Across the Muslim world, many seem to be souring on Islamists, defined as those who derive legitimacy from Islam and advocate for.
Bek asing Persib Bandung, Nick Kuipers memanfaatkan waktu di masa PPKM Level 4 ini dengan membuka usaha baru di bidang fashion. Pemain asal Belanda ini [.]
Bek asing Persib Bandung, Nick Kuipers, masih optimistis BRI Liga 1 bergulir sesuai jadwal meski PPKM diperpanjang. Dia menilai semua langkah yang ditempuh PSSI dan [.]
Bek asing Persib Bandung, Nick Kuipers memiliki rasa optimisme yang tinggi menghadapi Liga 1 2021-2022. Rencananya, kompetisi kasta tertinggi di Indonesia itu akan dimulai pada 27 Agustus.