WORTHINGTON — Rain poured heavy overhead on the evening slated for last month’s Worthington City Council meeting. Attendees from as far as Clarksburg donned rain jackets and umbrellas, rushing toward
WORTHINGTON — Rain poured heavy overhead on the evening slated for last month’s Worthington City Council meeting. Attendees from as far as Clarksburg donned rain jackets and umbrellas, rushing toward
years removed from the civil right s movement. we have been wrapped up black men killing black men and we have an incredible mayor and police chief and we are coming together like the days of old testimonying our city come out and - telling our city to come out. and what reaction are you getting to your message? we have drones of support saying pastor mike, a church has come and we have received a lot of hate and phone calls and couple of pastors who say you are doing too much and rebuke me. my response was jesus and nick demus tried to save the city. don t be upset because i choice jesus ministry to every past oar who wants to shake up the city. there is a conference on april 18, 19th called the gathering of the shepherd and thousands of pastors from around the