If you’re still struggling to find your footing amidst the COVID-19 era, these methods will help you pivot your strategy and meet people where they are.
NJBIZ is pleased to announce and recognize leaders from the business community with the 2022 Digi-Tech Innovators Awards honorees, who will be showcased in a virtual awards presentation Thursday, March 31, at 8:30 a.m.
Why progressive web apps (PWAs) are poised to dominate moving forward Why progressive web apps (PWAs) are poised to dominate moving forward Companies undergoing digital transformation face a difficult choice between native apps and progressive web apps. Here are three of the main benefits offered by PWAs
Progressive web apps (PWAs) offer app-like experiences without requiring users to download anything from an app store
PWAs are also much less of a burden for developers than native apps, which require ongoing updates, review management, and shared profits with app stores
Nick Chasinov, Founder and CEO of Teknicks, outlines a few of the major business benefits of using PWAs