By Suzanne Pender A NEW children’s book aims to inspire young readers with the trailblazing life of Co Carlow woman Mary O’Toole. From Irish immigrant working…
Your View: Professor suggests students returning to school this fall embrace the idea of trying and failing at something because there is as much, if not more, to learn from failure as there is from success.
IMAGE: Fatima Alba
For more than two decades, Nichola D. Gutgold, professor of communication arts and sciences at Penn State Lehigh Valley, has continued her research on the progress of women in politics, as well as women in nontraditional fields. In her work, Gutgold analyzes the obstacles women candidates face and what it will take to overcome them. Now, readers can anticipate the May 2021 release of her latest work, “Electing Madam Vice President: When Women Run Women Win,” available first in hardcover and then in paperback.
Early in her academic career, Gutgold observed that often left off the history pages and out of the minds of many Americans are the women who have run for president. The 2020 Democratic primary brought the most women ever to run in one election, and “Electing Madam Vice President” demonstrates the progress women candidates have made as they have moved from symbolic candidates to viable candidates.