PREPARATORY DOCUMENTS FOR VICAT S ORDINARY GENERAL MEETING ON 7 APRIL 2023 NOW AVAILABLE Vicat hereby informs its shareholders that they. | March 28, 2023
been anything more thanan a a greedy, self-serving, low functioning career politician with few principles or standards. joining us now with more, fostxa news contributor kellyanne conway. and co-host of the clay travis and buck sexton radio show, former cia officer buck sexton. thank you both for being here. kellyanne, does it surprise you? what is the predicate? good to see you both.icat what s the predicate forr democrats turning? is that real outragedemocrat ovo actions or is it a desirvees aci to turn the page? it s a couple of things. it s definitely outrage and it s definitely all of them being on the record locally, visually, vociferously last august int o his january about the mar-a-lago reid. these arthe peopleese who canna answer a straight question about classified documents being where they shouldn t be in joe biden s possession withou ont mentioning the word answe trump, trump, trump, trump.ythi. donald trump is their answer
came to our state. c heou wenntt to detroitry, he wet to flint and he said, i m noto l going to fly over these midwest states anymore, but now we need to do it everywhere. fly overand the strategy has the democrats spinning because nesterday new jersey governor phil murphy, he pulled off a two. he not only downplayed crime, but he leveled a smear in the process. the other t guyhes play the crime card relentlessly and shame, shame shamelessly, it seems every election and the facts, their portrayal of the facts are in entire different places. it goe placs back to nixon s southern strategy. it got racial elements to it.gyt let s just call tha ht for j what icat is . a guy who could have been beaten if we had the 50 state be strategy in place last year.rats but ron , that s the only card l they have lefty . that s it. division. division, how do they explain the most diverse group of expla candidates we ve ever had? how do they explain the migration and thet dive realignment of hispani
MICAT 2023: Candidates can apply for MICAT phase 1 entrance exam 2023 till November 19, 2022. MICAT 2023 phase 1 will be conducted on December 3, 2022, scroll down for more details.