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Employees continue to file COVID-19-related lawsuits against
their employers at a rapid clip. In July, we
identified five categories of cases that seemed to be driving
COVID-19 employment litigation: (1) alleged failure to provide a
safe working environment; (2) discrimination claims, especially
relating to disability and age; (3) leave claims under the FMLA and
the patchwork of federal, state and local laws enacted to deal with
the pandemic; (4) retaliation and whistleblower claims, usually
attached to either a workplace safety or leave issue; and (5) wage
and hour lawsuits arising out of the pandemics impact on
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Employees continue to file COVID-19-related lawsuits against their employers at a rapid clip. In July, we identified five categories of cases that seemed to be driving COVID-19 employment litigation: (1) alleged failure to provide a safe working environment; (2) discrimination claims, especially relating to disability and age; (3) leave claims under the FMLA and the patchwork of federal, state and local laws enacted to deal with the pandemic; (4) retaliation and whistleblower claims, usually attached to either a workplace safety or leave issue; and (5) wage and hour lawsuits arising out of the pandemics’ impact on business operations.