A Niagara Falls police officer who was arrested on three counts of third-degree rape has been fired by the department, according to information from the NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services.
Niagara Falls police officer Martice Porter was arrested on three felony counts of third-degree rape, the Niagara County Sheriff's Office announced Tuesday.
I am writing to wholeheartedly endorse Christopher McKimmie for the Niagara County Legislature. As the President of the Niagara Falls Police Club, representing police officers and detectives in the Niagara
The First Amendment doesn t guarantee freedom of speech except when criticizing a police officer. Its exceptions are appropriately few, and that s not among them.
A Niagara Falls police officer used excessive force last year during an "unlawful" arrest of a Black woman made in retaliation for her constitutionally protected speech, according to the state