NHPC rose from Rs 88.15 as of February 29 to Rs 89.70 recorded on March 28, 2024, which translates into an upside of 1.7%. However, on a weekly basis, it has risen over 6%. The stock rallied nearly 40% in the last three months.
The government proposes to sell an additional 100,450,348 shares, representing 1% of the total paid up capital of the company, in case of an oversubscription. The OFS will open for subscription to institutional investors on Thursday, and for retail investors on Friday.
NHPC has signed several MoUs/ agreements for developing renewable energy projects. Management commentary over order inflows and more project wins will be key
The amount of the securitisation facility has been arrived Rs 1,016.39 crore or 5.24 per cent per annum discounting rate linked with three-month T-bills.
Updated Feb 15, 2021 | 13:47 IST
NHPC management sounded confident in an interview with ET NOW saying that they currently working with a strong order pipeline despite COVID restraints. (Representational Image)  |  Photo Credit: BCCL
Key Highlights
NHPC confident on delivering on strong orderbook
NHPC management sounded confident in an interview with ET NOW saying that they are currently working with a strong order pipeline despite COVID restraints. They believe that a stable Q3 that they delivered with a focus on renewable energy will be key triggers going forward.
Here are the key takeaways from their interview with ET NOW post the Q3 results