Sharon D. Breidt, head of the nursing department at Keene State College, is one of 13 professionals who will be honored in May at the 7th annual Excellence in Nursing
Pamela P. DiNapoli, PhD, RN, CNL is the executive director of NH Nurses Association. Unity in politics, we hear all too often, is something more honored in the breach than the observance. But it does happen, and it should be celebrated when it occurs,.
Steve Ahnen is president of the NH Hospital Association. Jim Potter, CAE, is executive vice president of the NH Medical Society, Pamela DiNapoli, PhD, RN, CNL, is executive director of the NH Nurses Association. COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations are.
On 4/27, SB 459 relative to implementing and maintaining healthcare facility workplace violence prevention programs and establishing a workplace safety commission, passed the House Finance Committee. Having already passed the Senate twice and the.
During this legislative session, lawmakers introduced numerous vaccine bills, with only a few granting more authority to mitigate COVID-19’s transmission. The remaining bills, under the guise of bodily autonomy and personal freedom, oppose mandates.