“Di qua trung bong chet” (Walking through the valley of death), a documentary written, produced and directed by the Vietnam News Agency (VNA), has won six awards at international film festivals.
Sen Lieut. Gen. Nguyen Van Rinh, president of the Vietnam Association of Agent Orange/dioxin Victims (VAVA) has suggested the US form a long-term support programme inclusively for Agency Orange (AO) victims in Vietnam to enhance the effectiveness of US’s assistance relating to the settlement of war consequences.
A delegation of the Foreign Ministry’s State Commission for Overseas Vietnamese Affairs (SCOV) led by its vice chairman Ambassador Ngo Huong Nam, had meetings with seven Vietnamese associations in Japan during the visit to the country from October 27-28.
HANOI On the evening of Aug. 10, 2022, the Vietnamese Association for Victims of Agent Orange/Dioxin (VAVA) and Vietnamese Military TV held a special event marking the 61st year since the United States military first dropped the chemical weapon known as “Agent Orange” on the people of Vietnam.