Completed in 2020 in Vietnam. Renovated from the ground of Nguyen Van Huyen primary school, The Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics (VIASM) occupies an area of.
With the economy gradually bouncing back, Vietnam will continue speeding up the disbursement of public investment this year, with a focus placed on infrastructure development in order to spur on economic growth this year and beyond.
From the Archives, 1973: U.S. quits Vietnam as Saigon teeters
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U.S. quits Vietnam
Agreement on truce, says Saigon report
SAIGON. April 29. The last Americans were evacuated from Saigon today, leaving behind a confused and panic-stricken capital.
Front page of The Age published on April 30, 1975. “U.S. quits Vietnam”.
Credit:The Age Archives
Only hours later, South Vietnamese Government sources said that the Administration and the Viet Cong had reached agreement in principle on a ceasefire.
Six giant helicopters swooped low over the city to pick up Americans from the roof of their embassy and from the top of apartment buildings nearby.