By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
January 03, 2021, 11:16 [GMT+7]
In December 2020, Da Nang government granted certificates to 18 Da Nang-developed products for meeting One Commune-One Product (OCOP) standard.
Workers are seen busy at the ‘Ba Lieu Me’ manufacturing establishment in Cam Le District’s Hoa Tho Dong Ward
Of this, seven products were recognised for meeting 4-star standards under the so-called OCOP model, whilst the remainder met 3-star standards.
The OCOP model made its debut in 2008 in Viet Nam, following the model of Japan-initiated ‘One Village, One Product’ and Thailand-developed ‘One Town, One Product’.
It is an economic development programme for rural areas focusing on increasing internal power and values, which is also meant to help with Viet Nam s national target programme on upgrading rural areas.