Central Auckland iwi Ngāti Whātua ki Ōrākei turns pony club into community garden
2 Apr, 2021 01:36 AM
2 minutes to read
Ngāti Whātua ki Ōrākei s horticultural initiative is growing produce for the community to revive their farming past in the city.
Video / Maori Television
Ngāti Whātua ki Ōrākei s horticultural initiative is growing produce for the community to revive their farming past in the city.
Video / Maori Television
Māori Television
Originally published by Māori Television
What was once a pony club is now a lush garden of produce and nutrition for the people of Ōrākei, central Auckland.
Auckland Mayor Phil Goff says mana whenua consulted in Erebus Memorial
4 Mar, 2021 06:07 AM
4 minutes to read
Auckland Mayor Phil Goff says mana whenua have worked consistently alongside Ministry of Culture and Heritage in support of Erebus Memorial.
Reporter, NZ Herald
Auckland Mayor Phil Goff says full consultation was made with iwi and mana whenua as protesters occupy the pā site of Mataharehare where an Erebus memorial is planned.
Occupants who oppose the memorial at Auckland s Dove-Myer Robinson Park have put up signs at the Parnell site.
But Goff said full consultation was made with Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei over the memorial, which would pay tribute to the 237 passengers and 20 crew killed when an Air New Zealand flight crashed into Mt Erebus in Antarctica in 1979.
Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa iwi opens Marton headquarters to the public
2 Mar, 2021 04:00 PM
2 minutes to read
Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa stakeholders set up stalls at the iwi s open day on February 27. Photo / Lewis Gardner
Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa stakeholders set up stalls at the iwi s open day on February 27. Photo / Lewis Gardner
Laurel Stowell is a reporter for the Whanganui Chroniclelaurel.stowell@whanganuichronicle.co.nzWhangaChron
It was wonderful to see local people arrive at Te Poho o Tuariki s first open day, Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa spokeswoman Kiri Wilson says.
The Rangitīkei tribe s open day was on Saturday, February 27, at its iwi headquarters Te Poho o Tuariki in Marton. The 5ha complex is the former Turakina Maōri Girls College, which Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa bought in April 2018 and officially opened in February 2019.
Northland news in brief: Speakers for Race Relations Day forum; and missing man found safe
25 Feb, 2021 04:00 PM
3 minutes to read
Former New Plymouth mayor and Māori wards campaigner Andrew Judd will be one of the guest speakers at a Race Relations Day forum in Whangārei.
Northern Advocate
Three guest speakers have been lined up for the Race Relations Day forum in Whangārei.
The event will take place between noon and 2.15pm at the Cafler Room, Forum North, on March 22.
Speakers will be Sue-Ann Moo, a Singapore-trained lawyer passionate about improving access to injustice and bridging the gap between cultures, Ngāti Wai kaumatua Hori Parata, and former New Plymouth mayor Andrew Judd, a campaigner for Māori wards in local government and writer of the essay Pākehā Nation 2021.